Upcoming events – 2013






Capitol Hill Takeover  — Washington, DC. February 16th, 2013






Bsides Austin – 03-21-2013





Bsides Orlando — Orlando, FL. April 13th, 14th, 2013






HackmiamiCON  — Miami, FL. May 17th – 19th, 2013


More dates  will be added as they are confirmed . Stay tuned.

reach out to us at [email protected] twitter @p0wnmachina

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Tampa ISSA K&&K CTF 2 – 9-22-2012

Amazing event at Tampa ISSA!. Congratulations to the winners Hackmiami NG team. Shout-outs to the Whitehatters Computer Security Club. We had the biggest attendance ever during the Tampa CTF. Much thanks to the Tampa bay ISSA chapter specially Joe Partlow who made this event possible. Of course much thanks to the Miami P0wn Machine team. Below some pictures of the event. Stay tuned for future dates.









…oh yes the music 🙂

We always get asked about the music. Here are some of the mixes played during the CTF by DJ %27 truly yours

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Kommand && KonTroll CTF 2 @ ISSA Tampa 9-22-2012

On September 22nd we will be in Tampa at American Legion on the corner of Dale Mabry and Kennedy Blvd (3810 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33609). Be prepared for another awesome time of p0wning, great music, chili cook off and party.

Remember to read K&&K CTF II before you play so you are ready to play by the time you get there. The Samurai CTF will also be there for those who want to play entry level game.

One more thing… In FLL one of the teams was completely knocked out of the competition as their switch was compromised and rendered useless. Remember… in K&&K CTF all goes including attacking your computer, your switch, your msf pro… 😉 hint, hint…

Make sure whatever you put at the K&&K CTF network is hardened. Prepare for combat… Good luck.

Register here: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2626261218/eorg

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Kommand && KonTroll CTF 2 at ISSA Hack The Flag 2012

Another amazing Hack The Flag!. Thanks to ISSA South Florida. All teams did good and for the first time more people played K&&K CTF than Samurai CTF!. All teams scored and compromised several hosts as for the total number of targets no team got over 30% of the whole game.

Congratulations to Broward Hackerspace the defending champions @n00bznet @arsecroft @d1sc0rd1an . We are of the opinion that Hack The Flag should be a full day event and more frequent. That may actually become a reality in the near future ;)…

We will see you on September 22nd at the ISSA Tampa Capture The Flag event. Stay tuned for future dates below some pictures of the event.

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Kommand && KonTroll CTF 2 at ISSA Hack The Flag 2012 – Fort Lauderdale, FL

On August 11th we will be at the Ukranian Church (5031 S.W. 100th Avenue, Cooper City, FL 33328) for the release of Kommand && KonTroll CTF 2 “Revenge of the Carders”. Here is the registration link and what you need to know before playing:



Read before you play:


We will try to start as early as possible make sure you come early to setup and read carefully about the things you will need to bring to the game. Game has grown in number of challenges, and there will be binary, web app and network type of challenges. Try to have a diverse team.

Rapid 7 will be sponsoring CTF, you should try Metasploit Pro as it may be useful on a few challenges. The rest you will be on your own…

As always the music will be awesome and you’ll notice quite an upgrade on the video setup.

See you then. Prepare for combat…

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Kommand && KonTroll CTF 1 at HOPE9, New York, NY


Incredible time at HOPE9 in NYC!. Thank you everyone that participated, played or just hung out with us at the CTF table. Here are some pics of the event.

Congratulations to the winners: @tt , @javantea, @drSneeze, @brandontansey







Special thanks to PLX @kingTuna for his support and help to make this happen in NYC. Shouts out to  @marcofigueroa @kevinfigueroa @hans_bosch @cp_rants @hopenumber9 @nickf4rr @ivydigital

Will see you at the ISSA Hack The Flag 2012 on August 11th then ISSA Tampa on August 25th September 22nd. We had some invites to take K&&K CTF  to CC Camp in Europe. Let’s see if we can make it happen.

Need to reach out to us? @p0wnmachina , [email protected]

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Kommand && KonTroll CTF 1 at HOPE Number 9, New York, NY July 13th – July 15th, 2012

As part of Hackmiami support and contribution to HOPE Number 9 we are taking our new setup of Kommand && KonTroll CTF 1  to the conference. You will be able to see for yourself, attack and defend against some of the most popular malware crimeware tools in the wild. Last chance to play Kommand &&  KonTroll CTF 1. See you there!.

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Kommand && KonTroll CTF at WCSC -Tampa 12-17-2011

…and JZ00z built my hot bot…: )    

Awesome time in Tampa at the WCSC. We had a good crowd of players and lots of fun. Broward Hackerspace/303 came back with a VENGEANCE absolutely OWNING IT ALL!!!

It was awesome to see the winning team p0wn target by target, a team composed of  great people (Some I’ve played CTFs with..) and with a diverse and rich skills in many different areas. Only a team like that can win K&&K… and they did it.

I would like to congratulate and thank the winning team @n00bznet ,  @shitroamersays , @kingtuna , @d1sc0rd1an , Pr0xy , Alex and Raj  for winning the CTF. All I can say is this… 45 mins before ending game all they had was C&C connected to a BeEF server via firefox…. that was it… from there they went all they way up until completely owning C&C… Once again congratulations. We always learn from players.

Also many thanks to Zak and the people at WCSC that hosted us at their place at USF.


As for the music we had a little of Dubstep backlash!! so I focused on Minimal,Indie dance, Tech House and some break core and Com Truise….

Below some pictures of the event. Stay tuned for future dates…. Hack The Planet!

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Kommand && KonTroll CTF – TAMPA, FL 12-17-2011

Tampa-Orlando-The space coast. Home of some of the best CTF players in the country. We cannot wait to have “La Bestia” at their mercy… We will be at the White Hatters Computer Security Club at the University of South Florida on December 17th, 2011.

This is an OPEN event ALL welcome. We will have full setup, new music, videos and of course plenty of targets to P0wn!!!.  See you there prepare for combat…

Date: Saturday December 17th, 2011.

Location: University of South Florida

MSC – Marshall Student Center, 3707 (3rd Floor)

Location Map


Time: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm




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Kommand && KonTroll CTF at Hacker Halted – Miami, 2011

We had an awesome time at Hacker Halted 2011. We had some great players and pretty cool
people stopping by and checking it out.

Thanks  and congratulations to @dan_crowley and @jolly for winning the CTF and also winning at the Cyberlimpycs.

Dan was p0wning targets LEFT  and RIGHT. Awesome job!. Let’s take a look at the hardware related challenges we featured at this edition of Kommand && KonTroll CTF

In this picture we have the 3 hardware related challenges.

PrintMe Flag. The only way to win this flag was to first compromise the target VM at the ESXi then escalate privileges and finally print the flag.

At the center there is an Arduino UNO/Ethernet shield. This was pretty easy. It consisted of a HTTP parameter that had to be modified in order to turn ON /OFF the LED in a certain sequence. Most players got this one pretty fast.

Then the SheevaPlug server which could be by itself a single CTF. I used this one for Flash M0b CTF at DEFCON but back then this little wonder was running a FULLY functional C&C with two Zombies which were XP SP2s. This time it was running an install of WP that had several vulnerable plugins and the flag was the MD5 hash found at password table. Also notice that there is an USB programmable LED display attached to it. The characters displayed were also modifiable but to do it player had to gain root and compile some code which is actually available on the internet.

Most targets at Kommand && KonTroll CTF have SEVERAL attack vectors as I try to give players with different backgrounds the opportunity to win it, be it a web app or network or binary type of background. Below are some pictures of the event. If you want us to be at your event or you organize these type of competitions and want us to partner up feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] . Thanks again to EC-Council and all the people at Hacker Halted 2011 that stopped by and played.  And for the record no one has yet taken over the C&C. Stay tuned for future dates…

P.S: Most people said that the MUSIC was awesome. Well the music was basically hand picked Tech House/Minimal/Dubstep from MIA/NYC/London UNDERGROUND EDM scene which I am an avid follower of :)… No you won’t be hearing that music on the radio or TV anytime soon…..

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